Instantly view current stock and future availability through our intuitive matrix page and detailed reports.
Inventory Matrix Dashboard provides a comprehensive snapshot of stock levels across all channels. Users or Sales team can quickly view current stock on hand, forward purchase orders, and both immediate and future sales orders.
Easily configure the matrix page to display inventory data specific to each location. This feature ensures that users can view and manage stock information pertinent to their assigned locations or regions, simplifying oversight and decision-making.
Facilitate real-time collaboration among team members with built-in communication and sharing tools, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding inventory management.
ATS inventory reporting system designed to provide unparalleled visibility into stock movements both immediate and future. It consolidates data across all sales channels, giving you a detailed overview of each product and its variants.
Optimize the performance of various sales channels by utilizing a singular view of available stock. This helps in making informed decisions about what products can be sold and when, maximizing sales opportunities.
Qooly ATS integrates seamlessly with your existing ERP system and other platforms.
The Qooly ATS reporting means the ability to efficiently run several sales channels.
Qooly ATS enables you to manage multiple sales channels B2B, B2C, and conventional wholesale through a single, integrated platform.
Qooly centralized ATS reporting system provides a thorough view of both immediate and future stock movements, enabling precise forecasting, improved inventory management, and strategic planning to enhance overall business efficiency.
Gain immediate insights into what stock is available for sale with real-time visibility and make informed decisions about stock allocation, optimizing sales and reducing operational disruptions.
Qooly offers seamless control over B2B, B2C, and wholesale channels with real-time stock visibility and centralized reporting.
Comprehensive view of stock movements for precise forecasting, efficient inventory management, and enhanced overall efficiency.